ECE Department Course Contents

This web page contains all EHB code course contents for the EHB/EHBE Course Plan 
Student's Catalog Term: Before 2017-2018 Fall Semester

MAT, FIZ, KIM, ITB etc course contents can be obtained by changing course codes of catalog forms pdf  url link. 

This webpage may become outdated over time, please visit ITU Registrar's office website for the latest information.

EHB 101E  Introduction to Electronics and  Communication Engineering & Engineering Ethics (2-0-0)

Description: The concept of engineering, working areas, research topics of faculty members, sharing experiences of the successful graduates. The concept of ethics, ethics in science and engineering. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 111E  Introduction to Electronics and Communication Engineering) (1-0-0)

Description: Who is an engineer? The history of electronics, the usage of the basic measurement devices, digital electronics, biological signals, biomedical sensors, methodologies and errors of the measurement, numerical systems, logic and circuits, circuit elements, ethics in engineering, worst and best examples in engineering ethics, quality in design and implementation. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 211E Basics of Electrical Circuits (3-0-0)

Description: Electric circuits, Models and Circuits elements. Kirchhoff’s laws: Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law. Graph theory, element graph: Branch currents, branch voltages, Graph matrices. Tellegen Theorem and Conservation of energy. Two terminal elements: resistor, capacitor and inductor. Independent sources, dependent sources. Three terminal elements: Gyrator, transistor, transformer. Nonlinear elements Linearized models. Node voltage method and mesh current method for resistive circuits. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. RLC circuits: First order and second order circuits. State equation and state variables for linear time invariant circuits. Solution of second order state equations. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 212E Introduction to the Electromagnetic Field Theory ) (3-0-0)

Description: Vector analysis, vectorial differential operators, static electric field, electric potential, electrostatic field analysis in conductors and dielectric media, electrostatic energy, electrostatic boundary conditions, magnetostatic field, vector potential, magnetic circuits, magnetic energy, magnetostatik boundary conditions, quasi-static fields, time varying fields and Maxwell equations [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 221E  Basics of Electrical Circuits Laboratory (0-0-2)

Description: Introduction of multimeter, oscillator and oscilloscope and realization of the Kirchoff’s Laws; Modelling of multiple terminal circuit elements; Investigation of transient response in RC, RL ve RCL circuits; Investigation of steady state response in AC and DC circuits; Finding Thevenin-Norton equivalents of circuits; Investigation of Scaling, Superposition and Reciprocity Theorems [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 231E  Electronics I (3-0-0)

Description: Computers, the usage of the computers in daily life, computer hardware and software, Operating systems, Input/Output and Storage, Web and the Internet, wired and wireless communication, Application softwares such as text editors, visualizations, spreadsheets, and databases, Error in computation, Introduction to scientific problem solving through algorithms. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 232E Analysis of Circuits and Systems  (3-0-0)

Description: State and output equations of higher-order dynamic circuits. State transition matrix and properties. Zero-state, zero-input and total responses. Sinusoidal steady state. Finding the state and output equations of dynamic networks and systems in jw- domain. Phasors. Power. Three-phase systems. Finding the state and output equations of dynamic networks and systems in s-domain. Impedance and admittance. Stability and Routh Criteria. Network functions and parameters. Block and signal flow diagrams. Bode diagrams. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 252E  Signals and Systems ) (3-0-0)

Description: Classification of signals, basic signals, classification and properties of systems, time domain characterization of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Fourier Series, Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Fourier Transforms, frequency domain characterization of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, Sampling. z-transform and its applications. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 262E  Electronics II (3-0-0)

Description: Amplification and the gain concept, desiBell concept, voltage amplifier / current amplifier / transconductance circuit / transresistance circuit models, conceptual function of the transistor in amplification. DC analysis of transistorized (BJT, MOSFET) circuits. Small signal equivalents and terminal resistances of BJT and MOSFET. AC analysis of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers: Gain and input/output resistance of basic amplifier stages, analysis of cascade (direct/capacitively-coupled) amplifiers. Cascode structure, Darlington structure. Differential amplifier, differential and common-mode gains, common mode rejection ratio. Current sources, active-loaded circuits.Operational amplifier, ideal and practical behavior, internal structure of a sample OpAmp. Linear and non-linear applications of the OpAmp, effect of non-idealities on the behavior.Power amplifiers. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 311E Introduction to Electronics Laboratory (0-0-2)

Description: DC Power Supplies, DC characteristics of BJTs and MOSFETs, transistorised amplifiers, linear applications of operational amplifiers, lojic gates and flipflops, non-linear applications of operational amplifiers [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 312E  Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory (0-0-2)

Description: Low-frequency power amplifiers, Analog integrated circuits building blocks, Frequency and pulse response of BIT amplifiers, Feedback and stability in transistorized amplifiers, Broad-band amplifiers, Low-frequency oscillators, Active filters, PLL applications [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 313E Electromagnetic Waves (3-0-0)

Description: Maxwell’s equations, Wave concept and time dependent wave equation, Time harmonic waves, Phasor (complex) representation, Helmholtz equation and it’s solutions. Monochromatic plane waves. Polarization. Reflection and refraction of plane waves from planar boundaries. Wave-guides, Mode and cut-off frequency concepts. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 315E Digital Signal Processing (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction to discrete-time systems, and digital signal processing. Discrete time linear systems, difference equations, discrete convolution, stability. Discrete-time Fourier transform,analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, örnekleme. z-transform.Discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Digital filter design and implementation. Fundamentals of statistical signal processing. Random processes and power spectrum. Wiener filter. Fundamentals of adaptive filtering. Steepest descent and LMS algorithms.Fundamentals of time-frequency analysis. Short-time-Fourier Transform (STFT). Spectrogram. Introductionto time-scale analysis and wavelet transforms. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 322E Digital Electronic Circuits (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction and basic definitions, NMOS and CMOS inverters and their static and dynamic behaviors, NOR and NAND gates, complex static gates, pass logic (NMOS and CMOS), flip-flops, synchronization of digital electronic circuits, dynamic gates: cascading methods; domino, NORA, zipper logics, semiconductor memories: ROM, static and dynamic RAM, gate arrays: PAL, PLA, FPGA [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 326E Introduction to Embedded Systems (3-0-0)

Embedded systems overview, Design Challenge, Data Flow Modeling and Implementation, Analysis of Control Flow and Data Flow, Finite State Machine with Datapath, Custom Single-Purpose Processors, General-purpose processors, Peripherals, Memory, Interfacing, Interrupts. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 328E Machine Learning for Signal Processing (3-0-0)

Data-driven representations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Kernel PCA. Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Dictionary based, sparse and overcomplete data representations. Low rank matrix representations. Regression and Linear prediction. Stochastic Gradient Descent and LMS adaptive filters. Clustering and Classification. Neural Networks. Convolutional networks and applications to signal and image processing. A good knowledge of probability theory, linear algebra and signals and systems theory is a prerequisite for the course. The term project and homework will necessitate software simulations. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 332E Network Synthesis (3-0-0)

Description: Network synthesis problem. Filter approximation: Butterworth and Chebsyhev approximations, impedance and frequency normalization, Passive network synthesis: Positive real functions. Synthesis of LC, RC, RL, RLC networks: Cauer's and Foster's realizations. Synthesis of passive 2-ports, Positive real matrices, Synthesis of 2-ports converted to synthesis of 2-terminals. Ladder network synthesis: zero shifting technique. Active network synthesis: decomposition, coefficient matching and signal flow graph methods. Examples of active network synthesis using modern active devices (current conveyor, OTA, opamp) [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 334E Random Signals and Noise (3-0-0)

Review of probability, moments, Chebyshev inequalities, vector random variables, conditional distributions, transformations over vector random variables, central-limit theorem, random sequences, definition of random processes, autocorrelation and cross- correlation functions, stationary processes, power spectral density, response of linear systems to stationary inputs, Wiener filter, Poisson process, Markov process, Martingale process. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 335E Analog Electronic Circuits (3-0-0)

Description: Frequency response: Bode diagrams, low and high frequency responses, transistor internal capacitors, transition frequency, Miller theorem. Wideband amplifiers: Gain-bandwidth product, compensation, cascode amplifier, differential amplifier. Feedback: Definitions, types, effects, negative feedback topologies. Stability in feedback amplifiers: criteria, Bode and Nyquist analyses. Pulse response of amplifiers: Rise time, tilt, ringing. Oscillators: Barkhausen criterion, sinusoidal oscillators, relaxation oscillators. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 351E Analog Communications (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction to communication systems, modulation techniques, limitations in communication. Spectral analysis. Energy and power spectral density. Transmission of signals over linear systems. The amplitude modulation (AM) techniques: Carrier amplitude modulation, suppressed carrier double sideband modulation, single sideband modulation, vestigial sideband modulation. Amplitude modulators, demodulators. Exponential modulation techniques: Frequency and phase (FM, PM) modulation. Frequency modulators, demodulators. Frequency division multiplexing (FDM). AM radio broadcasting, FM radio broadcasting, superheterodyne receivers. Stereo FM. Television broadcasting. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 352E Digital Communications (3-0-0)

Description: Sampling theorem, Nyquist criterion, ideal, natural and flat-top sampling. Pulse modulation techniques: Pulse amplitude modulation, pulse code modulation, quantization, delta modulation, differential pulse code modulation. Baseband data transmission: intersymbol interference, Nyquist channel, bandwidth efficiency. Signal-space analysis, error performance analysis. Binary digital modulation techniques: Binary amplitude shift keying, binary frequency and phase shift keying. M-li bant geçiren modülasyon, enformasyon ve entropi kavramlarına giriş. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 362E MicrowaveEngineering (3-0-0)

Description: Current and voltage waves in TEM mode transmission lines, frequency and time domain analysis, power and energy flow, impedance matching. Smith Chart, microstrip lines, pulse transmission on lines. Basic principles of circuit analysis by S parameters. Basic properties of microwave radio propagation and introduction to antennas [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 372E Digital Signal Processing Design and Applications (2-0-2)

Description: Introduction to digital programming (MATLAB); discrete-time signals and systems; discrete-time convolution; difference equations and transient behavior; systems and frequency domain representation of linear-time invarient systems; frequency responses; discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) and discrete Fourier transform (DFT); fast Fourier transform (FFT) and its applications; introduction to statistical signal processing; spectral estimation; filter design; simulations and applications with real data. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 405E Analog Integrated Circuits (3-0-0)

Description: Basic building blocks: Current and voltage sources, supply voltage and temperature independent biasing. Basic amplifier structures. Operational amplifiers: Basic structures, basic performance parameters. Integrated oscillator structures. Analog multipliers. Analog MOS building blocks: Current sources, amplifier stages. MOS operational amplifiers, OTAs, current conveyors, analog multipliers, oscillators, D/A and A/D converters. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 408E Wireless Communication Networks (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction to wireless communication networks and mobile computing. Network architectures and components. Open system interconnection (OSI) Reference Model: Revision of physical layer concepts, medium access control (MAC), network and transport layers. Quality of service (QoS), security and authentication management. Mobility support and mobile computing in wireless communication networks. Network performance evaluation. Wireless local area network systems. Applications and outlook. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 412E Digital Systems Laboratory (3-0-0)

Description: Combinational circuit analysis, MSI Decoders, and Multiplexers, Combinational circuit analysis and synthesis using multiplexers and decoders, design of the adders, subtractors and comparators using block elements, Analysis and Synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits, synchronous and asynchronous counters [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 413E Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design I (3-0-0)

Description: IC fabrication process overview, device cross sections, introduction to Cadence design environment, Design flow, design library, schematic entry, analog circuit simulation, layout drawing, layout checks, post layout simulation, passive integrated device models(resistor, capacitor, inductor), active integrated device models (mosfet, diode, BJT), sensitivity and nonlinearity analysis, transistor level design of basic analog building blocks (amplifiers, voltage references, etc…) [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB414E Microelectronic Analog Circuit Design (3-0-0)

Description: Characteristics and behavioral models of op-amps. OTA, op-amp and operational current amplifier configurations. Power stages. Amplifier specifications. CMOS and BiCMOS design criteria, Electrical and physical design. Miscellaneous microelectronic analog circuits: Comparators, analog multipliers and oscillators. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 415E Data Communication (3-0-0)

Description: Data transmission media. Baseband data transmission. Modems for data transmission. Interfaces and protocols. xDSL access technologies. Data networks and architectures. Internet, TCP/IP. OSI reference model and protocols. Packet switching systems. Local Area Networks (LAN’s). Wireless data communication applications. Broadband networks. Data communication quality: security, reliability, availability and maintainability. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 416E High Frequency Electronic (3-0-0)

Description: An overwiev on Analogue and Digital Modulation types. Classification of the Noise, Types of white Noise, temperature and Shot noise, Noise Bandwidth Definations. Noise sources in BJT, MOSFET and JFET.Noise-Figure and Noise-Temperature definations.Distortion in electronic systems. 2nd and 3rd order IMD. Intercept and 1 dB compression points definations. Resonant circuits and Impedance transformers. RF Oscillators; General oscillator analysis. BJT and FET oscillator circuit examples. VCO examples. Tuned Amplifiers, Cascaded Tuned Amplifiers. Stability problem in Tas. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 417E RF Microelectronics (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction to Wireless Technologies. Basic Concepts in RF Design, Transceiver Architectures, Low Noise Amplifier and Mixer Circuits, RF-IC Oscillator structures, Basic blocks for IC Synthesizers . [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 418E RF Electronics Applications (3-0-0)

Description: Fundamentals of radio communication systems; Basic concepts on high frequency systems and devices; Active and passive circuit design examples: Microstrip filters, LNA, AM and FM modülatör/demodulator circuits, PLL synthesizer; System design applications: Radars, remote sensing, radio link [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 419E Digital System Design (3-0-0)

Description: Some combinational circuit elements, state reduction and state assignment for synchronous sequential circuits, universal sequential circuits, registers, common bus, and transfer between registers, counters, perturbation technique, frequency dividers, realization of sequential circuits using algorithmic state machine charts, complements, subtraction using complements, arithmetic circuit blocks. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 420E  Artificial Neural Networks (3-0-0)

Description: As a motivation, biological neural systems. Definition of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Supervised and unsupervised learning. Curve fitting. ANNs architectures. Least mean square learning rule. Perceptrons. Perceptron learning rule. Hebbian learning rule. Gradient descent learning rule. Multi-layered perceptron design. Back propagation algorithm. Statistical analysis of multi-layered perceptrons. Radial basis functions artificial neural networks. Kohonen’s self-organizing map. ANNs applications: Brain modeling, engineering applications, etc. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 421E Introduction To Medical Electronics (3-0-0)

Description: The origin of the action potential, bioelectrical sources, and the main properties of biolectrical signals: Electroneurography, electromyography, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, evoked potentials, electroretinography and electrooculography. Origin and properties of other physiological parameters and their measurements: blood pressure, blood volume, blood flow, cardiac output, heart sound measurements. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 422E  The Origin and Sensing Methods of Biological Signals (3-0-0)

Description: "Introduction to human physiology: The cell and its function, origin of the action potential; bioreceptors; nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary and endocrin systems; the special sense organs; biological signals originated from human systems. Sensing and preprocessing of biological signals: Characteristics of biological signals, the basic amplifiers and basic circuits used for analog processing of biological signals, instrumentation amplifier; electrodes, features and applications; resistive, capacitive, inductive, piezoelectric, electromagnetic and termic transducers; transducer amplifiers and their calibration." [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 424E Ultrasound and Applications in Medıcıne (3-0-0)

Description: Basic features of ultrasound propagation; wave equation, characteristic impedance, diffraction, scattering, focusing, Doppler effect, generation and detection of ultrasound, velocity and attenuation measurement techniques. Interaction of ultrasonic waves with tissue. Imaging methods: A and M mode imaging, static and dynamic (real time) B mode imaging, three dimentional imaging, tissue characterization with ultrasound, biological effects of ultrasound, applications of ultrasound in therapy. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 425E Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design II (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction to digital world, digital design methodologies, basics of Verilog HDL, digital circuit synthesis and simulation with Xilinx ISE, Verilog examples with Xilinx Spartan 3, behavioral simulation using Cadence NCLaunch, HDL synthesis using Cadence RTL Compiler, Place and Route using Cadence Encounter, Advanced Topics in digital design (filters, memory blocks, IO blocks, etc…) [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 426E Microelectronic Analog System Design (3-0-0)

Description: Types of analog filters and their frequency-response specifications. Active RC, Gm-C and SC filter configurations. Electrical and physical design of active filter circuits: Components, parasitics, on-chip tuning, noise and offset. Data converter design: DAC and ADC. Examples of integrated analog system design. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 427E  Microelectronics Technology (3-0-0)

Description: Brief history of the microelectronics technology. Planar technology. micro-litography. Thin films; Evaporation, sputtering and CVD techniques. thermal oxidation of silicon. Doping techniques; diffusion, ion implantation and epitaxy. ın process measurement and evalution techniques. Proess simulation; SUPREM. Process design: junction isolated bipolar IC and CMOS IC fabrication processes. Packaging. Yield analysis [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 428E  Industrial Electronics (3-0-0)

Description: Linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifers, OTA applications, instrumentation amplifiers. Power Supplies: Design with linear regulator ICs, switched mode power supplies. Power MOSFET and its applications, Sensors. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 429E  Communication Electronics Circuits (3-0-0)

Description: Circuits which are used as Frequency Converters and Mixers, Linear RF Power Amplifiers; Class-A and B operations, High Efficiency Non-Linear Power Amplifiers; Voltage and Current Switching Class-D operation, Class-E and F operations, PLL Circuits and Frequency Synthesizers; Dual-Mode Divider Type and Digital Frequency Synthesizers [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 430E Radio-Television Systems (3-0-0)

Description: General receiver principles, superheterodyne receivers, selectivity, sensitivity, image frequency, receiver distortions. AM & FM broadcasting principles and systems, multiple carrier techniques and OFDM; principles of video communications, scanning, color, signal formats,picture artifacts, sampling and quantization of video signals, digital processing of video, video compression, MPEG2, H264AVC, advanced TV systems, terrestrial, satellite and cable delivery of video signals, DVB/S-C-T. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 431E Design and Applications of Digital Communication Systems (2-0-2)

Description: Error Performance, Channel Coding and Decoding, Line Coding and Partial Response Signaling, Channel Equalization, Channel Modeling, Digital Modulation and Demodulation, Modems, Digital Switching and Central Office, Communication Protocols and Networks, Wireless Communications, Spread Spectrum Communication and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), DSL Techniques [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 432E  Microprocessor System Design (3-0-0)

Description: "Software and hardware design of microprocessor-based systems and system components. Microprocessor peripherals; description and applications of parallel/serial communication interface units, integrated timer/counter circuits, memory elements. A/D and D/A converters, universal logic elements. Single-chip microcontrollers and multiprocessor digital systems. Realization of digital filters." [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 433E Digital Filters and Systems (3-0-0)

Description: Filtering by discrete (fast) Fourier transformation. Design aspects of digital filters and realization problem finite impulse filter design methods. Finite impulse filter design, i) linear phase filters, ii) windowing, iii) frequency sampling, iv) optimal filter design methods. Infinite impulse response filter design: i) numerical integration methods, ii) impulse invariance methods, iii) bilateral Z-transformation method. Filter design based on least-squares method: i) Pade method, ii) FIR Wiener filter. System identification, inverse-filter design, prediction. Signal processing applications using software realization. State-space representation of discrete time systems. Observable, controllable canonical representation. Controllability, observability, stability. Methods to design control systems. System design by state feedback (pole implementation). State observer design. Design of optimal control systems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 434E Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (3-0-0)

Description: Definition of dynamic systems, continuous and discrete time systems, difference equations and differential equations. Trajectory, phase portrait, invariant sets, stability of invariant sets. Equivalence of dynamical systems, topological classification of equilibrium points and fixed points, hyperbolic equilibrium point for continuous and discrete time systems. Topological equivalence. Bifurcation and bifurcation diagrams, topological normal forms for bifurcations. Various local bifurcations and conditions for them.Homoclinic bifurcation, periodic solutions of dicscrete time systems, some definitions for kaos, Devaney’s system, Lyapunov exponantial, connected dynamical systems. XPPAUT. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 435E   Engineering Systems Analysis (3-0-0)

Description: General overview of engineering systems. Engineering systems other than electrical systems: mechanical, hydraulic, electro mechanical and thermal systems. Application of the methods developed for the analysis of the electrical circuits to these engineering systems. System components and modeling. Non energical multiport components (transducer) and the developed models. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 436E Digital Systems Design Applications (0-2-2)

Description: FPGA Architecture, design techniques using FPGA, realization of the SSI elements on FPGA, realization of MSI elements on FPGA, different realization of Boolean functions, realization of combinational circuits on FPGA, basic memory components, realization of sequential circuits on FPGA, Different digital system design applications on FPGA. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 437E Fundamentals of Medical Electronics Design (3-0-0)

Description: Design of high order active filters. Modelling and simulation of human cardiovascular system. The general principles in the design of microprocessor supported biomedical systems. Fundamentals of biological signal processing system desing: human reaction time measurement system, electrocardiography, arrhythmia detector, QRS detector, right leg driver, blood flow and heart rate measuring devices. Biomedical data compression techniques. Biotelemetry. Magnetic recording of biological signals. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 438E  Biomedical Devices (3-0-0)

Description: Physiological effects of electricity and electrical safety. Microcomputers in medical instrumentation. Clinical measurement devices. Electrosurgical and physical therapy devices. Medical imaging modalities: Radiographic imaging (x-ray computerized tomography), radionuclide, magnetic resonance and ultrasonic imaging. Advanced topics in medical electronics. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 440E Computer Aided Devices in Medicine (3-0-0)

Description: Origins and properties of biological signals. Transducers for biological signals. Patient isolation methods. Fundamentals of computer units. Computer assisted biological signal acquisition, processing and monitoring. Archiving and transmitting of biological signals and images in and between medical centers. Computer aided telemetric system design. Microprocessor based blood pressure, body temperature, electrocardiogram, and electromyogram measurement devices. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 442E  Semiconductor Devices (3-0-0)

Description: Constituents of semiconductor crystals. Poisson, current and continuity equations. Energy band diagrams. Thermal equilibrium. Injection level. Trapping. BJT in equilibrium. BJT under bias. High-bias effects in BJT. BJT dynamics. MOSFET structure. MOSFET under bias. Strong inversion and subthreshold models. Structural optimization of MOSFETs. Secondary effects and MOSFET dynamics. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 443E CMOS RF Circuit Design (3-0-0)

Description: Passive elements used in CMOS ICs: on-chip resistors, capacitors and inductors. High frequency responses of MOSFETs. Analysis and design of the basic circuits for broad band applications. Tuned amplifiers; problems specific to low-Q circuits, LNAs (low noise amplifiers), Q boosting, staged tuning and similar applications. On-chip parasitics: interconnections, input-output problems, noise interference. Measurement techniques. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 445E Medical Instrumentation, Design and Applications (3-0-0)

Description: Basic concepts in medical electronics. Patient isolation and protection of equipments in medical electronics. Biological signal (electrocardiogram, electromyogram, etc.) measurement equipments. Cardiotachometer. Photoelectric measurement equipments in medical electronics. Simulation of human cardiovascular system in computer environment. Transfer of biological signals to the computer. Digital filtering and monitoring of biological signals in real-time. Computer aided analysis of biological signals. Transmission and storage of biological signals. Remote measurement in medical electronics: Telemedicine. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 451E  Active Microwave Circuits (3-0-0)

Description: Noise in microwave systems. Circuit analysis using S parameters, solid state amplifiers and oscillators, detectors, mixers, switches and phase shifters. Microwave integrated circuits, computer simulations, reciprocal and non-reciprocal passive devices, filters, examples for computer aided design of active and passive circuits. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 453E  Introduction to Mobile Communications (3-0-0)

Description: Introduction, Basic Concepts, Historical Development, Wireless Communication Systems and Standards, Channel Models, Path Loss, Shadowing, Fading, Channel Classifications, Multiple Access Techniques, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Cellular Structures, Network Structure, Channel Assignment, Handover, Sectoring, Power Control, 2nd Generation Wireless Communication Systems, 3rd Generation Wireless Communication Systems, Multicarrier Modulation, OFDM, Diversity Techniques, MIMO Systems [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 454E  Communication Theory (3-0-0)

Description: Random processes, modeling of noise: Gaussian noise, white noise, narrowband noise. Noise analysis in analog modulation: The effect of noise in systems with amplitude modulation. Comparison of signal-to-noise ratio values after demodulation of systems with carrier amplitude, double sideband, single sideband and vestigial sideband modulation. Noise analysis in exponential modulation systems, threshold effect in frequency modulation. Noise analysis in pulse code modulation systems, comparisons with amplitude and frequency modulation. Correlated transmission techniques, partial response coding. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB456E Antennas (3-0-0)

Description: Usage of antenna on communication systems, the antenna structure and the basic parameters. Wave components of the current source, analytical expressions. Wire antennas, features and parameters.Loop antennas parameters. Antenna arrays and their properties. Microstrip antennas characteristics and feeding types. The software tools to analyse and synthesize the antenna structures.Aperture, reflector, slotted antenna types and their properties. Special-purpose antennas structures. Antenna measurement techniques. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB458E Microwave Measurement Methods and Applications (3-0-0)

Description: Antenna gain and pattern measurements, Frequency and field strength measurements of RF radiations, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio measurements in waveguide, Frequency/wavelength/attenuation measurements in waveguide, The characteristics of the directional coupler and Magic-T measurements, S-parameters measurements in multi-port waveguide, Relative dielectric constant measurements, Impedance measurements and matching in waveguide. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 459E Switching and Teletraffic Theory (3-0-0)

Description: Switching in telecommunications. Circuit, message and packet switching. Fundamentals of circuit switching. Telephone exchanges, hierarchical network structure, selection and control techniques, stored program control - SPC. Signaling systems. Future signaling systems: H.323 and SIP. Intelligent networks. End terminals and access to the network. Teletraffic engineering. Queuing systems. Lost and delayed calls. Switching network planning. Mobile switching systems. Digitalization in telephone network. IDN and ISDN. Digital transmission: FDM, TDM, PDH and SDH. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 462E Sound and Speech (3-0-0)

Description: The goal of this course is to provide the basic concepts and theories of speech production, speech perception and speech signal processing, and their applications to contemporary speech technology. The course is organized in a manner that builds a strong foundation of basics, followed by a range of signal processing methods for representing and processing the speech signal. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 463E Communication Systems (3-0-0)

Description: Time division multiplexing techniques, PCM hierarchies, frame structures, frame justification techniques. Line coding techniques. Advanced digital modulation techniques and systems: M-ASK, M-QAM, M-PSK, M-FSK, MSK, GMSK, CPM, CPFSK, their spectral analysis and performances. Synchronization techniques in digital communication systems, extraction of timing and carrier content. Fundamental of mobile communication systems, fading channels, multipath channels. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 464E Satellite Communications (3-0-0)

Description: Fundamentals of satellite communication system structures. Satellite subsystems, detailed link analysis, antennas and link propagation properties, multiplexing, modulation and multiple access techniques. Earth stations. Design examples for fixed and mobile satellite communication systems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 465E Fiberoptic Communication Systems (3-0-0)

Description: This course gives an introduction of the principles and technologies of optical fiber communications and optical networks. It covers optical fiber waveguide theory, the structure and performance of active and passive optical devices, WDM technology, optical fiber communication systems, the structures and key technologies of optical fiber information networks. The new technologies and developing trend of optical fiber communications. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 466E Remote Sensing (3-0-0)

Description: Active and passive remote sensing systems, Sources of radiation, radiation laws, object characteristics, Framing and scanning systems, Multispectral sensing systems, Remote sensing in microwave region, Microwave radiometer, Detection and recording of radiation, data formats, Radar Imaging, SAR systems, Remote sensing satellites, Data acquisition and processing, Remote sensing satellites and geographic information systems [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

 EHB 467E Radar Systems (3-0-0)

Description: Operation principles of radar; radar equation; continuous wave radar; moving target radar; tracking radar; radar antennas; ground probing radar; over the horizon radar; synthetic aperture radar; LIDAR (LADAR) [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 468E Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurements (3-0-0)

Description: Definitions and Classification of EMC, EMC Standards, Types of EMC Testing, Repeatability and Accuracy in EMC Measurements, EMC test plans, Layout for Indoors EMC Measurements, EMC Measurement Devices, Basic Antenna Parameters, EMC Measurements Equipments, measurement examples: measuring conducted interference, measuring radiated interference, Open-range Testing, Calibration of Measurement System, Examples of EMI Measurement setups. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 469E Introduction to Multimedia (3-0-0)

Description: Time and frequency representation of multimedia signals. Basic concepts of audio, image and video processing. Perceptual audio frequecy masking. Two dimensional continuous time and discrete time Fourier and cosine transforms. Basics of content representation and classification. Audio, image and video compression standards. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 471E Advanced Electronic Circuit Design and Applications (2-0-2)

Description: Current and voltage sources, current and voltage references, amplifier stages, oprerational amplifier applications, operational conductance amplifier (OTA) applications, current-conveyor applications, oscilator circuits, analog multiplier applications, IC characterization, etc. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

 EHB 472E Image Processing Fundamentals (3-0-0)

Description: Human vision system and fundamentals of image processing. 2D signals and systems. 2D convolution. 2D Discrete-time Fourier transform. 2D Discrete Fourier transform. 2D Cosinus transform. Time-frequency space analysis and image pyramids. Wavelet transform. Image enhancement. Histogram equalization. Filtering of images and various filter types. Edge detection. Image restoration. Degrading effects on imaging systems. Reduction of additive noise. Wiener filtering. Deblurring. Inverse filtering. Blind deconvolution. Deblurring with Wiener filters [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 473E Microwave & RF Communication (3-0-0)

Description: Modelling of the multipath channel. Digital transmission over non frequency selective channels. Diversity techniques. Modelling of the interference and intermodulation. Coded waves on fading channels. Spread spectrum. Frequency planning for microwave links. Some applications. Digital radio systems. Link analysis. Antennas and medium parameters. System gain. Interference and noise. Transmitters, receivers and repeators. Design applications. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 474E Introduction to Optimization (3-0-0)

Description: Necessary and sufficient conditions for unconstrained optimization, Recursive search methods, Gradient methods, Newton’s method, Problems with equality constraints, Inequality constraints and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theorem, Least-Squares analysis, Linear programming, Simplex algorithm, Convex Optimization, Applications.. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 475E Digital Speech Processing (3-0-0)

Description: Applications of digital signal processing to speech signals. Acoustic theories of speech production leading to time and frequency domain models. Speech analysis synthesis technique. Applications to music analysis and synthesis. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 477E Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compatibility (3-0-0)

Description: Fundamental Concepts and definitions, EMI Sources, EMI Characteristics, Propagation of EMI, Propagation by Radiation, a Block Circuit Model for the Interactions of EMI, Capacitive Coupling, Inductive Coupling, Coupling via Common Conductors, Type of Grounding, Grounding Properties of the Circuits with Differentiated Input, Source Grounding, Grounding of the Shielding Cables, Properties of the Grounding Wires and the Binding Points, Shielding, Shielding Effectiveness, Magnetic Field Shielding, Thin Film Shielding, EMI Filters, [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

EHB 481E  Design and Applications of Basic Communication Systems (3-0-0)

Description: Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Sampling and Pulse Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation, Delta Modulation, Bit Error Probability in Baseband Communications [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]