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Fall Term Compulsory Courses

TEL503E Applied Electromagnetic Theory (3+0)

Maxwell's and wave equations. Fundamental Theorems of Electromagnetic Theory, Waves in Inhomogeneous and Stratified Media. Green’s functions for scalar and vectorial wave equation. Green's functions and integral equations. Spectral Represantation of Sources. Cylindrical and spherical wave functions. Wave Guiding Structures. Canonical Scattering Problems. Scattering and diffraction problems,Numerical Methods.[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL515E Statistical Signal Processing (3+0)

Fundamentals of discrete time signal processing. Random variables, vectors and sequences. Discrete random processes. Analysis of linear systems with stationary random inputs. Signal modelling, AR, MA, ARMA models. Levinson recursion. Optimum linear filters. Solution of normal equations. Linear prediction. Algorithms and structures for optimum linear filters. Wiener and Kalman filters. Signal modeling and parametric spectral estimation. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL517 Information Theory, (3+0)

Information measure, entropy, its properties, joint and conditional entropy. Noiseless coding technique: Kraft inequality, noiseless coding theorem, Huffman codes, Lempel-Ziv algorithm. Sources with memory. Discrete memoryless channels, channel capacity and computing methods. Optimum and maximum likelihood decoding techniques. Noisy coding theorem. Error correcting codes: Linear block codes, generator and parity check matrices, syndrome. Hamming codes, cyclic codes, BCH codes, convolutional codes, properties, encoder and decoder structures. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL518 Theory of a Complex Variable Functions , (3+0)

Definition of Complex plane, Rieann surface, multi-valued functions such as square-root and logarithmic function. Derivative in complex domain, analytic function and Laplace equation. Introduction to conformal mapping and its application to boundary value problems. Residue theorem and its application to evaluate definite integrals. Infinite series, power series, Taylor and Laurent expansion of functions. Determination of analytic continuation of function. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL 596 Seminar (2+0) without credit

Seminars are given by lecturers, invited speakers and students who are registered to the course. Students' presentations may be within the scope of their thesis or on a topic related to the Telecommunication Engineering. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL597 Specialization Field Course (3+0) without credit

Review of the basic methods of scientific research, development, reporting and presentation of the results. Investigation/evaluation on the research fields of all students, under the supervision of an advisor, who are progressing their M. Sc. thesis. Investigation of novel developments on the research fields. Determination of the methods for scientific contribution. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL697 Specialization Filed Course, (4+0) without credit

[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

KOM 505E Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, (3+0)

Random variables, distribution function, probability mass and density functions; multivariate random variables, joint distributions, functions of random variables, conditional distributions; expected value, moments and related concepts; moment generating function, characteristic function; some special continuous and discrete distributions; random processes, basic definitions, stationary and independent processes, ergodicity; Poisson, Wiener, Gauss, Markov processes; the concepts of stochastic continuity, derivative, integral; the concept of power spectrum. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

Fall Term Elective Courses

TEL501E Microwave Radar Systems (3+0)

Radar system fundamentals. CW and FM radars. MTI and pulsed Doppler radar. Elements of radar systems.Radar range equations. Radar transmitters, receivers and antennas. Statistical detection theory and radar cross section of targets. Trends in radar signal waveform design. Radar signal processing technology. Detection of signals in noise and clutter. Target Tracking radars. Pulse compression. Propagation and interference concepts in radar. Phased arrays. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL505E Mobile Communications Systems (3+0)

Introduction, mobile radio propagation aspects, concepts of cellular design, radio resource management, trunking theory and system design fundamentals, mobility management including handoff issues, multiple access techniques (FDMA/TDMA/CDMA/OFDMA), wireless networking, evolution of mobile communication systems: 2G/3G/4G, wireless local area networks, cognitive networks. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL507E Advanced Television Techniques (3+0)

A review of general multidimensional signals and systems, vision, properties of images, transforms, color, motion, image evaluation, sampling, video components and formats, standards, evolution of HDTV, video artifacts, digital video processing, vertical and temporal filters, intra/inter-frame processing, multidimensional filtering applications, compression, JPEG, MPEG-n, compression artifacts, coding, distribution, receiver processing, system examples, HDTV, 3D vision, 3D-TV.[pdf-KIRIK LİNK]

TEL509E Microwave System Engineering (3+0)

Radio communications; system concepts, propagation and noise. Passive and active components used in transmitters and receivers: Transmisson lines, matching circuits, microwave filters. Amplifiers, oscillators and other active components. Noise and non-linear distortion. Interference and intermodulation effects. Downconverter design. Modulators and demodulators in RF systems. Active and passive microwave network analysis and design. Antennas, RF link parameters and channel modelling. RF link design. Space and frequency diversity systems and combiners used in RF links. RF components for wireless and Ultra Wideband systems Radar and radiometer systems. System design examples: GPS and satellite systems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL511 Quantum Electronics and Laser Theory (3+0)

Basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Solution of the Schrödinger Equation. Elektromagnetic fields and their quantization. The theory of laser operation. Some specific laser systems. The modulation of optical radiation. Parametric amplification, oscillation. Q-Switching and mode locking of lasers. Optical detection. Holography, remote sensing applications of lasers – Lidars. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL519E Image Processing (3+0)

Image processing fundamentals, two-dimensional signal processing, point operations, two-dimensional filter design, edge detection, segmentation, image restoration. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL525E Remote Sensing Systems (3+0))

Introduction, Electromagnetic fundamentals related to active remote sensing. Radiation laws Pasive remote sensing systems: Optical sensors, infrared and microwave radiometer systems. Active remote sensing systems. Radar fundamentals and radar scattering Microwave imaging radars Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Inverse SAR (ISAR). Remote sensing platforms: Airborne, spaceborn and satellite sensing.Radar data acquisation, Data processing and evaluation. Data fusion and classification. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL527E Speech and Audio Signal Processing , (3+0)

Since speech and sound processing has an extensive content range, preliminary information regarding auditory perception and processing of speech signals will be given in the beginning of the course. More comprehensive analysis and synthesis methods, along with related applications will be examined in subsequent weeks. Psychoacoustic masking, compression techniques such as MP3 and OGG, speech and speaker recognition, music analysis and perfect sound mixture organizations by reconstruction are among the topics that will be covered. As well as digitalsound protection, watermarking and fingerprinting systems, auditory content indexing techniques developed solely for these systems will be exposed. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL601E Electromagnetic Waveguides (3+0)

Aim and scope of the course, basic concepts. Green’s functions representations. Uniform waveguides with conducting boundaries. Non-uniform waveguides. Dispersive and non-linear effects. Discontinuities in waveguides: mathematical models, numerical techniques and equivalent microwave network representations. Periodicaly loaded waveguides.[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL603E Advanced Topics in Telecommunications(3+0)


TEL607 Advanced Coding Theory (3+0)

Channel capacity, classical coding and decoding techniques. Multilevel coding, multistage decoding. Soft decision decoding algorithms: MAP, LogMAP, Max-LogMAP, SOVA. Parallel concatenated (turbo) codes. Iterative decoding. Interleaving. Serial concatenated coding. Code design and error performance analysis. EXIT diagrams. Low density parity check (LDPC) coding. Message passing algorithms. Applications of turbo and LDPC coding. Coding and decoding for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL611 Radiowave Propagation over Ground (3+0)

Basics of radiowave propagation over ground. Introduction to radio spectrum. Introduction to the mathematical principles of radiowave propagation over ground between ELF-VHF band. Basic electromagnetic principles. Ground wave propagation theory of homogeneous/inhomogeneous, flat/spherical earth. The modelling of athmospheric effects to groundwave propagation. A general outlay of communication systems and radio services between ELF-VHF band. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL613E Statistical Pattern Analysis and Classifıcation (3+0)

The statistical theory of pattern analysis, including both parametric and nonparametric approaches to classification. Multidimensional probability distributions. Classification with likelihood functions and Bayesian estimation, linear discriminant functions, density estimation, supervised and unsupervised classification, performance estimation, and classification using sequential and contextual information, including Markov and hidden Markov models. Parzen windows, LMS and SVM classifiers.Gaussian mixture models. Eigenvalue decomposition. Feature reduction, combination of classifiers and sensor fusion. Application areas include speech/audio processing, image and video processing. [pdf-KIRIK LİNK]

TEL614E Queueing Theory (3+0)

Traffic characterization and basic concepts. Arrival and departure processes. Markov models. Single and multi-server loss and delay systems. Quality of service, congestion and throughput analysis. Limited and unlimited traffic sources. Modeling of repeated attempts. Various applications.[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

Spring Term Compulsory Courses

TEL502E Detection and Estimation Theory (3+0)

Statistical decision theory, hypothesis testing, detection of known signals and signals with unknown parameters in noise, receiver performance and error probability, applications to radar and communications. Composite and nonparametric decision theory. Statistical estimation theory, performance measures and bounds, efficient estimators. Estimation of unknown signal parameters, applications. Linear estimation, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL508 Digital Communication Theory (3+0)

Representation of bandpass signals and systems, complex envelope, lowpass equivalents, representation of bandpass random processes. Signal-space concept: Vector channels. Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization method, recovery of signal vectors, correlator and matched filter receivers. Calculation of the error probability in Gaussian noise channels, union bound for the error probability. Efficient signaling for message sequences: Time – bandwidth - dimension relationship, selection of efficient signals. Channel capacity theorem. Bandwidth efficient coding in signal space: Coded modulation, properties, design criteria, performance analysis. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL518E Theory of a Complex Variable Functions

Definition of Complex plane, Riemann surface, multi-valued functions such as square-root and logarithmic function. Derivative in complex domain, analytic function and Laplace equation.Introduction to conformal mapping and its application to boundary value problems. Residue theorem and its application to evaluate definite integrals. Infinite series, power series, Taylor and Laurent expansion of functions. Determination of analytic continuation of function. [Broken link - pdf]

TEL596 Seminar(2+0) without credit

Seminars are given by lecturers, invited speakers and students who are registered to the course. Students' presentations may be within the scope of their thesis or on a topic related to the Telecommunication Engineering. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL597 Specialization Field Course (3+0) without credit

Review of the basic methods of scientific research, development, reporting and presentation of the results. Investigation/evaluation on the research fields of all students, under the supervision of an advisor, who are progressing their M. Sc. thesis. Investigation of novel developments on the research fields. Determination of the methods for scientific contribution. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL697 Specialization Filed Course, (4+0) without credit

[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

Spring Term Elective Courses

TEL506E Planar Optical Waveguides and Fibers

Aim and scope of the course. Optical waveguides: planar structures, dielectric waveguides, fibers. Canonical problems and their exact analytical solutions, geometrical optics approximations, perturbational methods, purely numerical solution techniques. Dispersive and non-linear effects in optical waveguides. Non-uniform optical waveguides. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL510E Telecommunication Network Planning and Management (3+0)

Technologies and processes used to plan, design, analysis, optimize and manage telecommunication networks including the functions of network standards, protocols and architecture. OSI protocol and, TMN standard. Telecommunication traffic forecasting. Evaluation of voice and data networks, local and widearea networks, and overall network management. Network management components and functions: tasks (fault, configuration, performance, security, and accounting) of network management. Convergence of networks. Telecommunications market structure, socioeconomic aspects, services, standard bodies, regulations, and policies. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL 514 Wireless Communications (3+0)

Cellular Structure, Wireless Communication Systems and Standards. Channel Models in Wireless Communications. Fading and Shadowing. Doppler Spread. Cascaded Fading Channels. Simulation Techniques for Wireless Communications, Digital Modulation Techniques. Digital Communication over Fading Channels. Error Performance Analysis. Coding for Fading Channels. Diversity Techniques: Receive/Transmit Antenna Diversity. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Systems. Space-Time Coding. Cooperative Diversity. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). MIMO-OFDM. Multiple Access Techniques. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL516E Microwave Antennas (3+0)

Microwave antennas and design problems. Circuit relations. Theorems of reciprocity. Radiotion from current distributions. Wave fronts and rays. Scattering and diffraction. Antenna illumination and antenna radiating current. Microwave transmission lines. Microwave dipole antennas and their feeding. Slot antennas. Linear antenna arrays and their feeding. Horn antennas and their feeding. Lens antennas and their feeding. Pencil beam and fan beam antennas. Beam shaped antennas. Reflectors, periodic structures, dielectric vod, helical antenna, microstrip antennas. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL520E Digital Video Processing (3+0)

Image formation models, spatio-temporal sampling and sampling structure conversion. 2D and 3D motion estimation techniques. Parametric and non parametric motion estimation. Frame- based and object-based video compression methods.Video communication standards. Video streaming and video over IP. A number of advanced application topics will be covered including mobile multimedia applications, object tracking, content-based video indexing, search and retrieval, video copy detectiion-fingerprinting and super resolution video. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL523 Imaging Radars and Signal Processing (3+0)

Microwave imaging concept and synthetic aperture (SAR) theory, range and cross-range definitions, radarimaging systems and signal processing range and cross-range imaging of moving objects, focused synthetic aperture processing, tomography concept and investigation of similarities of radar and tomography algorithms, investigation of imaging radar types (SAR, ISAR, Ground Penetrating Radars (GPR) and imaging algorithms, high resolution imaging methods (spectral estimation, sparse representations), radar target detection/classification applications, SAR/ISAR/GPR simulations and high resolution imaging applications in MATLAB. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL524E Computational Electromagnetics (3+0)

Review of electromagnetic (EM) theory, classification of electromagnetic problems, general analytical approaches for the solution of differential equations. Numerical solution of time and frequency domain problems using differential equation and integral equation methods. Finite difference method, finite difference time domain method, method of moment. Properties and limits of methods. Application of numerical methods on typical EM problems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL526 Satellite Communication Systems (3+0)

Communication link analysis and design. Frequencies and wave propagation. Baseband signals, modulation and coding. Communication satellites, multiple access. Mobile satellite communication. Software techniques, modelling and simulation for Satellite Communicationsystems. New directions and applications for the future. Design examples of existing satellite systems. VSAT systems. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL603E Advanced Topics in Telecommunications

[PDF Broken LINK]

TEL606 Principles of Adaptive Signal Processing

Introduction, Random Processes, Modeling of Random Processes, Wiener Filter, Linear Prediction, Levinson Recursion, Lattice Filters, Steepest Descent Algorithm, LMS Filter, Applications of LMS Filter, Kalman Filter, Applications of Kalman Filter. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL608E Spectral Estimation Methods (3+0)

An overview of concepts of spectral analysis covering traditional approaches and modern estimation methods will include: Probability density functions; expectations; processes; correlation and covariance, matrix and vector manipulations; discrete-time random signals; energy and power spectral densities. Nonparametric Spectral Estimations: Periodogram; averaged periodogram, Blackman-Tukey method, other refined periodogram methods (Bartlett, Welch, Daniell methods); Statistical properties of nonparametric spectral estimators; Rational spectral models -Autoregressive spectral estimation; Moving average spectral estimation; Autoregressive moving average spectral estimation; Yule-Walker equations; parameter estimation techniques; statistical properties. Filter-bank based approaches: Filter-bank interpretation of the periodogram, Capon method, relationship between Capon and AR methods. Advanced Concepts: Sinusiodal parameter estimation, MUSIC, ESPRIT. Introduction to Array Signal Processing: Problem statement; relationship to line spectral estimation. Array Signal Processing: Nonparametric and parametric estimation techniques; properties. Applications: Topics related to underwater acoustic, sonar, radar signal analyses and biosignal analysis. [Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]

TEL612 Radar Cross Section Prediction and Reduction Techniques

Radar systems, stealth technologies. A general review of basic concepts, principles and theorems in electromagnetic theory. RCS definitions, stealth technologies. Radar absorbing materials. A general review of analytical/asymptotic/computational techniques utilized in RCS analysis. Freeware/commercial softwares for RCS analysis, RCS measurement set-ups and techniques. [Course Catalog Form with ECTS Credit]

TEL618E Advanced Estimation Methods in Wireless Communications

For the application of wireless technologies in high mobility environments, the most important problems encountered in physical layer are channel estimation, synchronization, and interference cancellation . This course addresses this isues and teaches advanced estimation techniques for wireless technologies. It covers various estimation methods applied in wireless communications physical layer including channel estimation, synchronization, interference cancellation, OFDM, multi-user detection and CDMA receivers.

[Course Catalogue Form with ECTS Credits]