Graduate Programs at ITU Institute of Science and Technology Engineering
ITU Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology offers in Electronics and Communication Engineering Departmant MSc and PHd programs of,
- Electronics Engineering MSc and PhD Programs
- Electronics Engineering Page
- Electronic Engineering Course Contents
- Telecommunication Engineering MSc and PhD Programs
- Telecommunication Engineering Page
- Telecommunication Engineering Course Contents
- MSc program Biomedical Engineering MSc Program
- Biomedical Engineering Page
- Biomedical Engineering Course Contents
Program Graduation Requirements
The MSc degree programs necessitate the completion of at least 24 credits coursework, a seminar course and a graduate thesis. The 24 credits coursework should include at least 8 courses half of which should be chosen from the compulsory courses list. At least 30% of the 24 credit hours should be courses instructed in English. The maximum duration allowed for completion of the program (while maintaining all the given student privileges) is 6 terms, and the final GPA should at least be 3.00. At least one of the taken courses should be a mathematics course..
Programı tamamlama azami süresi 6 yarıyıldır ve ağırlıklı genel not ortalaması en az 3.00 olmalıdır. Pograma kayıtlı yüksek lisans öğrencileri en az bir matematik dersi almalıdır.
The PhD program requires at least 21 credits hours from at least seven courses for students with an MSc degree. Students with a BSc degree should complete at least 42 credits hours from at least 14 courses. A qualification exam, a thesis proposal and thesis work are also required for the completion of the PhD study. At least 30% of the credit hours should be courses instructed in English, and at least 50% of the credit hours should be PhD courses (600 level courses). Students who got admitted to the PhD program after a BSc degree should chose at least 25% of the required coursework from the compulsory courses list of the corresponding MSc program. Students should complete their course work with a GPA of at least 3.00. After the completion of the coursework, students should take the qualification exam at the latest one term later with the approval of their advisor. The duration allowed for the PhD study (while maintaining all the given student privileges) is 6 years (12 terms) for students who got admitted with an MSc degree and 9 years (18 terms) for students who got admitted with a BSc degree.
Compulsory Mathematics Courses of ECE Department Graduate Programs
- Electronics Engineering
- KOM 505E Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
- ELE 519 Elektrik Mühendisliğinde Matematiksel Yöntemler
- Telekomünikasyon Mühendisliği (KOM505E/UAH511 arasından sadece 1 ders alınabilir)
- KOM 505E Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
- UAH 511 Olasılık Teorisi ve Stokastik Süreçler
- TEL 518 Karmaşık Değişkenli Fonk.Kur.
/ TEL 518E Theory of a Compl.Variab.Func. [2019-2020 Bahar Dönemi Öncesi Girişliler]
- TEL529 İleri Mühendislik Matematiği
- Biyomedikal Mühendisliği (KOM505/KOM505E/UAH511 arasından sadece 1 ders alınabilir)
- KOM 505E Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
- KOM 505 Olasılık Kuramı ve Rastlantı Süreçleri
ITU Informatics Institute Multi-Discipline Graduate Programs
ITU Information Institute Communication Systems Division offers a joint inter-discipline graduate program of Geomatic Engineering and Electronics and Commmunicaton Engineering Departments,
- Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication