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ITU Electronics and Communication Engineering Department History
In 1909 the Civil Engineering (Hendese-i Mülkiye) School was transferred to the Ministry of Public Works and its name was changed to (Mühendis Mektebi) Engineering School. After the declaration of the Republic in 1923, the Engineering School maintained its relationship with the Ministry of Public Works.
ITU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty descends to Istanbul University (Darülfünun then..) Faculty of Sciences Electro-Mechnical Institute, which was established in 1926 to graduate Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
In 1928, branches of road and railways, hydraulics, construction (architecture) were opened in the Engineering School (Mühendis Mektebi).
In the year 1934, when the Istanbul Darülfünun (Istanbul University) was abolished and newly reorganized, the Electro-Mechanical Institute was attached to the Yüksek Mühendis Mektebi (The High Engineering School).
In 1935, upon request by Turkish PTT, Communication Division (Muhabere Kolu) was added to The Yüksek Mühendis Mektebi curriculum. In 1941 The Engineering School was taken from the Ministry of Public Works and transfer to the Ministry of National Education and its name was changed to Yüksek Mühendis Okulu. In 1941, Aerodynamics, and in 1943 Ship Building Engineering branches were added to the curriculum of The Yüksek Mühendis Okulu.
In 1944 the Yüksek Mühendis Okulu was transformed to "İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (Istanbul Technical University)" and reorganized on new lines.
In this manner, the branches that existed before, were reorganized to the following faculties:
- The Faculty of Civil Engineering
- The Faculty of Architecture
- The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- The Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- The Faculty of Mining Engineering (1953)
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering were organized comprising the divisions of Power Engineering (Kuvvetli Akım Kolu – High Current Division : Electrical Installations, transmission of power, powerhouses etc.) and Communication ( Zayıf Akım Kolu - Low Current Division telephone, radio, wireless, radar etc ..)
Another reorganization was carried out in 1982 upon annexation of the Maçka Engineering Faculty, which had been formed earlier. Three departments were formed under the names of Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics and. Communication Engineering and Department of Control and Computer Engineering.
Between 2001 and 2010 the undergraduate program was split into two, and two separate undergraduate degree programs were offered under the titles of Electronics Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering.
In 2010 the undergraduate programs were again restructured, and a single undergraduate degree program with the title Electronics and Communication Engineering has been offered since.
In 2014 a new international joint dual degree undergraduate program has been created. This new program is offered together with the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. The students spend the freshman and junior years at ITU and the sophomore and senior years at NJIT. The graduates from this program receive Electronics and Communication Engineer diplomas from both institutions.
ITU 1948-1949 Turkish Catalog
- ITU 1956-1957 English Catalog (translation of 1948-1949 Catalog)
- ITU 1989-1992 Faculty of Electrical-Electronics Engineering Catalog