Gunes Karabulut Kurt, Selahattin Gokceli, "Using NI Software Defined Radio Solutions as a Testbed of 5G Waveform Research", 2017 NI Engineering Impact Awards Finalist on RF and Mobile Communications Category, May-2017,

ECE Department Faculty Member Assoc.Prof. Güneş Karabulut Kurt and Telecommunication Engineering Graduate student Selahattin Gökçeli, application submission titled as "Using NI Software Defined Radio Solutions as a Testbed of 5G Waveform Research" has been selected as a finalist in NI Engineering Impact Awards in the RF and Mobile Communications category. Their application application has been recognized among 130 submissions by technical panel of judges as one of the best submissions in RF and Mobile Communications category. Final award winners will be announced on 23 May 2017, during NIWeek 2017 in Texas, Austin.
National Instruments hardware and softwares were used in that application is listed below:
- NI PXI (PC-based modular instrumentation standard for measurement and automation systems)
- Vector Signal Transceiver (As a PXI module)
- USRP Software Defined radio (SDR) devices
- LabVIEW and LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite
We congragulate our student and faculty member.